Upcoming Events

August 2 - August 4, 2024

Canine Sports Zone

    Agility Chair: Carrie Knutson

    Organizations that Govern Agility in the United States

    American Kennel Club (AKC) The AKC is a good "in-between" organization for many handlers.

    Canine Performance Events (CPE) The courses are noted for being more smooth flowing.

    United States Dog agility Association, Inc. (USDAA) The courses are more technical in that they require more handling (communication with your dog). The competition (standard) level courses have higher jump heights than the other organizations. However, they do offer Performance level that has jump heights more in line with the other organizations.

    United Kennel Club (UKC) UKC offers lower height and speed standards. Their philosophy is more to make agility available to anyone regardless of physical abilities, and all dogs, no matter what their breed or disadvantages are.

    North American Dog agility Council (NADAC) NADAC offers more moderate jump heights and smoother courses, and uses the least amount of obstacles.

    Australian Shepherd Club of America (ASCA) ASCA is open to all breeds, not just Australian Shepherds. The rules are similar to NADAC.


    What is agility?

    Even if you don't recognize it by name, you have probably seen an agility competition. Designed to demonstrate a dog's willingness to work with his handler in a variety of situations, agility is an athletic event that requires conditioning, concentration, training, and teamwork. Dogs and handlers must negotiate an obstacle course while racing against the clock. Agility is a great form of exercise for both dog and handler, and a fun way to bond. And you don't have to compete to enjoy agility. Taking an agility class offers many other benefits. But many people start the sport just for fun, only to get bitten by the agility bug and become lifelong competitors! (http://www.akc.org/events/agility/)

    Can Vizslas do well at agility?

    Vizslas are a versatile, athletic breed. Originally bred to be a companion gun dog, Vizslas have the stamina and drive to run hard in the fields. That drive doesn't have to be used just for hunting but may also be used on the agility course where Vizslas can exercise their brains as well as their bodies. Their natural tendency to be agile and their desire to work with their owner makes them great agility partners!

    Will doing agility with my vizsla have an impact on their hunting abilities?

    Vizslas are incredibly smart dogs who can excel in many venues simultaneously. They know the difference between working with you while hunting in the field and working with you on an agility field. The two can complement each other nicely.

    Where can I watch vizslas competing in agility?

    There are agility trials held around the state nearly every weekend. Most of these trials are all-breed trials, and often there will be a few vizslas in attendance. Searching the event calendar for the various sanctioning bodies (links below) is a great place to find information on upcoming agility trials in your area.

    Does the CWVC hold agility trials?

    Yes! We currently hold a few AKC agility trials a year. Check our calendar for the dates of our
    upcoming trials.

    How can I help at CWVC agility trials?

    Most trials are on Saturday and Sunday – some start on Friday. The doors open early and help is always welcome. Below are many of the jobs you can help with – don't worry, someone will help you until you get the hang of it.

    • Bar Setter - set the jump bars at the correct height and put them back if a dog knocks one down
    • Leash Runner - take the leash from the entry area of the ring to the exit area for each dog
    • Sheet Runner - take the score sheets from the ring to the trial secretary’s table
    • Gate Steward - call out the names of the dogs/handlers that are next in line from a list and send them in the ring when it is time
    • Timer - let the handler know when the judge says it’s OK to start
    • Transcribe - help the Scribe to stay organized
    • Scribe - write any faults called by the judge onto the score sheet

    Where can I learn to do agility?

    Most local training facilities offer agility classes or can point you in the direction of some place that does. You can always send us an email and we will have a CWVC member who participates in agility chat with you about their dog(s), their agility career and help you find a good instructor.

    Who makes the rules?

    There are 5 major agility organizations in the United States. Each one has slightly different rules and requirements of dog and handler. The organizations each have their own titles and competition levels.  Although each of the organizations uses most of the same obstacles, there are a few that are unique to one or the other, and there might be some slight differences in the obstacle specifications for the different organizations. All of these organizations offer agility to purebreds as well as mixed breeds.

    How high would my dog have to jump?

    Each of the different organizations calculates the height your dog jumps differently, based on your dog's own height.  Once you know your dog's height at the withers (top of the shoulder blades) this interactive chart will calculate your dog's jump height for many US organizations and their priumary divisions/programs.  (This link will take you to a site outside of the CWVC website.)  http://www.agilitynerd.com/jumpheights/

    Questions about our Website? Contact us at CWVCweb@gmail.com
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